Cedar River News

Customers Asked to Voluntarily Reduce Water Use

We have had an unusually dry summer and the forecasts predict a potential delay in the return of sustained fall rains. As a result, we are growing concerned about having sufficient water for both people and fish as we head into fall. We are asking our customers to voluntarily use less water.

We need your help to stretch the region’s water supply until we get enough rain this fall to refill the mountain reservoirs sufficiently. Even seemingly small daily actions can ...

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King County Ordinance 18403 – Removal of Surcharge

In November 2016, King County Ordinance 18403 was enacted to impose rent upon water, sewer, gas, and power utilities for their infrastructure located in roadways (rights-of-way) pursuant to a franchise. In April 2020, the District instituted customer surcharges for water and sewer to fund a contingent liability for rent pending the outcome of litigation and negotiation with the County. The Courts ultimately authorized the County to negotiate the payment of rent subject to limitations. Although the District is currently in ...

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Fix A Leak Challenge March 14th to 20th

Fix Leaks, Save Water

Leaks waste up to 12% of all water used at home. Yikes! That’s almost as much water as we use doing laundry each year.

Join us March 14th – 20th to take the #FixALeakWeek Challenge and check your home for the most common types of leaks. Do the Challenge all at once, or pick one item each day to check off the list. When we all work together to use water wisely it adds up to make a ...

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Financial Assistance Resources for Utility Bills

Cedar River Water & Sewer District returned to normal billing practices, including the assessment of late fees and disconnections, on October 1, 2021.  For those customers needing financial assistance with their utility bills, the following resources are available.

  • Washington Water Assistance provided through the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). This program provides funds to assist low-income households with past due water and sewer bills that resulted in disconnection of service or are in danger of disconnection. Please see ...
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CRWSD Announces Expanded Bill Payment Options

Cedar River Water & Sewer District is pleased to announce the launch of its new online billing and payment service through Invoice Cloud, offering customers greater flexibility to view and pay their bills online.  Customers can receive and view bills electronically, make a payment with credit/debit card or e-check, and choose to go paperless. A quick, one-time payment can be made without registering or you can create an account to enjoy more features like setting up automatic payments, saving payment ...

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COVID-19 Deferred Payment Plan – NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Cedar River Water & Sewer District, in response to Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-23, encouraging utilities to mitigate the economic impacts to their customers during the COVID-19 crisis, Cedar River Water & Sewer District has suspended late fees and disconnection of water service since March 18, 2020. The District anticipates a return to normal business practices on October 1, 2021, pending any extension by the Governor to Proclamation 20-23.16.

The District will be offering an optional COVID-19 Deferred Payment Agreement starting in ...

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Take a Virtual Trip to Cedar River Watershed

When Educators at the Cedar River Watershed Education Center (CRWEC) could no longer connect children to the source of their drinking water via school field trips, they worked with Seattle Public Utilities to create a virtual field trip to bring the watershed to the students. Through a series of videos and activity sheets students, and all greater Seattle customers, can learn all about their drinking water now, and into the future.

Cedar River Watershed

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