The state requires the test results to be on file at the District office. Please email, fax or mail a copy of the completed test results to Cedar River Water & Sewer District, as soon as possible, after the testing of the Backflow Assembly Device.

Our email for backflow is: backflow@crwsd.com
Our fax number is: (425) 228-4880
Our mailing address :
Cedar River Water & Sewer District
PO Box 1040
Maple Valley, WA 98038

Icon of Verified Testers List 03-2024 Verified Testers List 03-2024 (0.1 MB)

The Department of Health (DOH), Office of Drinking Water, has authorized Washington Certification Services at Green River College to maintain a list of certified Backflow Assembly Testers (BAT) that may provide testing services to the public. Only certified BATs that have authorized disclosure of this information are listed. There is no implication of preference, nor does this list constitute endorsement by Cedar River Water and Sewer District (CRWSD), Green River College (GRC) or DOH.

The Hire a BAT List is believed to be accurate and is updated frequently. However, CRWSD, GRC and DOH assume no responsibility for errors in or for the use of the information provided. Persons or entities relying on any information obtained from the Hire a BAT List do so at their own risk.

Hire a BAT List

Before you contact someone to have your Backflow Assembly tested, be sure to have the device information readily available. You may call the District office during normal business hours for current backflow device information.

Information Example
Manufacture’s Brand name of each assembly unit i.e. (These are just a few brand names, there may be others) Conbraco
Model Number 805Y
Type of Backflow Device (RPBA) Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly
(DCVA) Double Checkvalve Assembly
NOTE: The above list is an example only and may not list your model. All of the necessary model information for your assembly can be found somewhere on the assembly itself.