Cedar River Watershed Masonry Pool
Cedar River Watershed Masonry Pool

The Cedar River Water and Sewer District was formed on June 21, 1960 to provide service to approximately 520 square acres in the area known as Maple Valley Heights. Since that time the District’s corporate area has grown through 38 annexations to approximately 9,420 acres, or 14.5 square miles. The regionally adopted Coordinated Water Supply Plan (CWSP) allocates approximately 36 square miles of service area to Cedar River.

Cedar River Water and Sewer District operates under Title 57 (Water and Sewer Districts) of the Revised Code of Washington. The District is responsible for providing water service to its customers and for proper planning for the future populations of the service area. The District is governed by three elected commissioners who set District policy, oversee District operations, and hold regular public meetings, usually twice monthly.

Cedar River Water & Sewer District Office
Cedar River Water & Sewer District Office

Implementation of the Board’s policies is the responsibility of the General Manager and staff. The General Manager has overall responsibility for the District, handles public relations, and is the first to be notified in the event of an emergency. The Operations Manager supervises the field staff and oversees day-to-day system operation. The General Manager reports directly to the Board of Commissioners. The office staff report to the General Manager and are responsible for billings, collection of money, record keeping and general operations of the office.

Pump Station & Generator

Currently the District serves the communities of Fairwood (water and sewer service) and Maple Valley (water service only).  The primary water supply for the District is a long-term water supply contract with Seattle Public Utilities from the Lake Youngs reservoir. Lake Youngs receives potable water from the Cedar River Watershed. The watershed is a closed area of approximately 96,000 acres lying between Hobart and the crest of the Cascade Mountains.

The District added a well in the Maple Valley area as an additional water source in 2009.  This well supplies water to homes in the East Area of the District, mostly during the summer months.

Cedar River Well

The well is closely monitored and is being fluoridated and chlorinated to match and blend with the water being purchased from Seattle Public Utilities.

The District retains the services of a professional engineering firm who performs planning and engineering services as needed for District operation, compliance with regulations and system improvements. Legal counsel is also retained by the District to assist in compliance with statutes and other legal considerations. The District’s Consulting Engineers and Legal Counsel report to the General Manager and attend regular District meetings to advise the Board of Commissioners. Financial advisors, accountants and other specialized consultants are retained as necessary to assist with financial and other aspects of District operations.