Water Quality
The staff at Cedar River Water & Sewer District (CRWSD) is pleased to provide its customers with annual Water Quality Reports. This report is required as part of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act and is issued for each calendar year. Its purpose is to update our customers knowledge about the District’s water sources, water quality, District projects and programs related to your drinking water. It is hoped this report will help you and your family make well educated decisions about a very important subject – your drinking water.
Each year Cedar River Water and Sewer takes over 300 water quality samples.
WUER Strategies 2013-2018
This 2013-18 Water Conservation Strategies and Actions document describes the customer programs that support the direction provided by the Seattle Water Supply Operating Board for the regional 2013-2018 Water Use Efficiency Goal. Read the complete document: WUER Strategies 2013-2018
WUER Strategies 2013-2018 (1.3 MB)